September 11, 2024  ⦿  

Covering Cannabis Culture & Business Since 2006

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Cannabis in Asia

Asian cannabis sector is incubating! Check latest stories around the continent 

Useful Information

As the home to some 4.5 billion inhabitants and the fastest growing economy for the next decade, Asia is the worlds most populous region. With a sizeable population and rising standards in education come valuable market opportunities, and the international cannabis industry is keeping a close eye on legislative developments throughout the region.

Only 2% of people use cannabis annually in Asia, the continent with the most population. Asia is a crucial market in the long-term expansion ambitions of producers, investors, and operators since this translates to an estimated 85.5 million potential cannabis users

By 2024, the medicinal industry alone could be worth up to US$5.8 billion as the traditionally conservative attitude toward marijuana starts to change. The report investigates:

Meet the Asian Industry

Cannabis Directory

Asian cannabis companies directory and sector vendors and suppliers

HealthyTOKYO K.K.

Kitchodo Co.

Kosmic Market


Thai Cannabis Corp.

Thai Cannabis Industry Association

420 Magazine

International cannabis culture news, reviews, and how-tos where you may use our medical and scientific content to help you cultivate your own cannabis. In our gallery, meet knowledgeable growers who are sharing their grow logs, instructions, and images while also providing answers to others’ commonly asked questions. Join 420 Magazine and our group of activists who have been working to raise awareness of cannabis since 2006!

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